OSQ Leagues

 Local Traveling - In House - OSQ Leagues

OSQ Leagues



Current Winter League Info

Format - Locations - Contacts - Players - Handicaps

Schedule - Final Stats

Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 Wk 7



Current Fall League Info

Format - Locations - Contacts - Players - Handicaps

Schedule - Current Stats

Wk1 Wk2 Wk3 Wk4 Wk5 Wk6 Wk7 Wk8 Wk9 Wk10 Wk11


Ohio State Qualifyer (Canton) - Sunday Doubles

Ohio State Qualifyer (Canton) - Wednesday Doubles

Player Meeting for ALL the OSQ Leagues (Wednesdays and Sundays) is Wednesday, September 20th 7pm @ The Baltimore House. $20 registration fee is due at the meeting. No credits will charged for league matches during the season.

Dues $20 per player - 100% of dues for these leagues will pay for all 4 of your Canton Events (singles, doubles, mixed and team). You only need to shoot in 1 of these leagues to qualify and pay for all 4 events. All players will recieve a Team Big Dog Shirt and all women will recieve a free $10 Beer Mug (at the event), since their event fees are approximately $10 cheaper than the mens. If you do not shoot all 4 events, Big Dog will reimburse you for events not played at the League Ending Party on Sunday, March 18th @ 6pm at the Baltimore House.

ALL Canton Event teams must be set by the end of January! PLEASE do not wait until last minute! I will not be able to enter you after Feb. 28th, so please get your teams and money together pronto...

You must shoot atleast 6 weeks with 35 501 OI/OO and 15 cricket games. DO NOT ASK US TO BREAK THE RULES FOR YOU, THE ANSWER WILL BE "NO". Sorry but we just cannot help you if you haven't played....